
The Enrolment Policy at Corpus Christi School is based on the Catholic Education Office Melbourne’s Enrolment Policy for Schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne (June 2009).

All Catholic children living within the Parish of Corpus Christi Primary School will be considered with priority being given to children of families who demonstrate a commitment to the Catholic Faith.
Applicants for Prep must reach the school entry age of 5 years by 30th April.

All applicants must complete an Application Form.

Please complete online

Also available from the school office or downloaded from this site and return it along with the following documents:

  • Original Baptism Certificate
  • Original Birth Certificate
  • Certificate of Immunisation (obtainable from your local Council Health Department)

As part of our process of welcoming families to our community, families enrolling for the first time at Corpus Christi are invited to attend an interview (dates and times to be advised).

Children who have been accepted for Year Prep participate in the Corpus Christi School Transition (Orientation) Program, which occurs during Term 4 for children commencing school the following year. Families will receive a letter regarding this process, where the children will be invited to attend three transition sessions.

During the first of these sessions, parents/guardians will be invited to attend an information session whilst the children are in the classroom.  This information session outlines what to expect for you and your child in the year ahead and some tips on preparing your child for school.  It also creates an opportunity for both new and existing families to meet.  A morning tea is provided afterwards.  Whilst the children are in the classroom, they will play games, undertake some basic tasks and hopefully leave the session having made some new friends.

Also on this day you will have the opportunity to measure your children for uniform sizes and place a ‘prepaid’ (cash, cheque or EFTPOS) order.

The second and third sessions are for the children only and will run for approximately one hour. Children will get the opportunity to work with different teachers in different parts of the school. More information will be provided in the orientation letter.

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible
